Führung (So wie wir sind 2.0)

Zainab Haidary

Video Installation with four channels sound


40 mint video sound

Führung; So wie wir sind 2.0


180 works from more than 100 artists from various time and context come together in So wie wir sind 2.0 exhibtions which took place in weserburg musum of modern art. From 15.02.2020-10.01.2021.

(Führung; So wie wir sind 2.0) is a critical response to the So wie wir sind exhibition which installed the Weserburg museum of modern art where the So wie wir sind took place . The commander of Führung goes through the exhibition material and picturing the objects as may they are or indeed telling what they did not mean.

(Führung; So wie wir sind 2.0) is a video installation with four Chanel Audio. All the artworks in the So wie wir sind exhibition being transferred to 3d and being animated. The narrator talks about each individual work. The stories behind each work designed with a four Channels music sound and narrations travel around the four spots.